Who am I?
Keith Uhlich is a writer and critic based in Uptown Manhattan. He is interested in the “motion-picture” arts, be they film, television, or gallery work. He was a staff film critic at Time Out New York from 2009-2014, and he has written/continues to write for ICON, Slant Magazine, Reverse Shot, Sight & Sound, The Hollywood Reporter, and others. He is a member of the New York Film Critics Circle and a rabid X-Phile (nickname: Paley Guy).
About this site
(All (Parentheses)) — the title comes from a line in a Mark Rappaport video essay — is Keith’s primary webpage. A number of the pieces posted also appear on Letterboxd. His full archive (in process) can be found here. Articles by other writers are occasionally published as well.
You can write (cordially) to Keith at keithuhlich@gmail.com. Thanks for reading.