I'm curious as to how you organize your time in order to achieve this, plus the time to write about it. (I listened to your excellent episode of the X-Files Diaries, which got me here). I'm currently having a look at your one shot X-Files series on Tumblr. Great insight there as well! Keep it up :)

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Thanks so much for your nice reply. Writing and experiencing art are indeed a calling, and to a certain 'healthy' extent an obsessive necessity. No one is ever satisfied by the quantity and quality of their own achievements, especially those who should.

Your site is well curated and I hope it'll get the attention it deserves. It's kind of shocking I am the first one here, but let's blame social media and 'fast-content' for that.

I appreciated what you said on the podcast regarding the value of seeking one's own art in life and how rare that is to find it. The X-Files saved my 2020 (yes, I'm that late to it!), and I'm still looking for a film that will steal my heart the way Wings of Desire did a trillion years ago.

PS - here's my letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/da_/

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